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How Often Should Coffee Be Tested?

Comprehensive coffee testing will help you understand how to source, roast and brew consistently great coffee. However, testing one sample one time will not reflect the state of your overall coffee program; it will only provide a snapshot of the particular sample.

While some specialty roasters test every batch they produce, it often is unreasonable for a roaster to go to extreme lengths to ensure quality. In our opinion, the key is to figure out a level of testing that can account for the variability of your coffee without blowing budgets and time constraints.

For example, if you know the quality of your green beans and your manufacturing systems (from production methods to roasting equipment) are dialed, less testing may be required. However, if you just got a new roaster or you’re experimenting with a new source of green beans, it is often best to over-test at first until the level of variability is known. At certain times during the crop year, the green beans can show more variability; at these times more testing is necessary.

At Coffee Analysts, our clients typically have their products tested monthly, quarterly, and for those with the highest standards of quality even weekly. We offer discounts for these types of testing packages. However, we’re also happy to give you a snapshot of your roasted or green coffee by doing a one-time test.